Weigh Loss

Why avoid drastic weight loss

The quality of life of most Americans is fast deteriorating because of the economic and social demands that require them to spend less and less time at home.  Americans have become so busy they could not even cook a decent meal and eat the meal with their families.

The fast-paced way of life of most Americans have forced them to prefer fast foods over restaurants, microwavable food instead of fresh meat and poultry and sodas instead of healthy fruit juices that take time to prepare.

This has led to a rise in obesity cases not only among adults but children as well.  Parents are apparently becoming too busy they could not even cook healthy food for their kids. And when children grow up eating unhealthy food they also tend to prefer fat and cholesterol-filled food later on in life.


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Obesity has become the number one enemy of most Americans not only because it has produced millions of pot-bellied people but because obesity is also a leading cause of diabetes and other weight-related illnesses. 

Research shows that forty out of every one hundred Americans are obese.  The same research shows that at least thirty percent of Americans are on diet in order to get rid of their weight problems.

Some people would rather lose weight drastically than wait for a lifetime losing those unwanted fats.  Thus, more Americans are opting for liposuction and fad and unhealthy diets to win over the battle of the bulges.

This may be disappointing to most people but people do not get fat in one sitting.  It took them sometime to gain weight until they became obese and sad to say, it will also take a long time, perhaps even longer than the time it took them to grow fat, to lose those inches and pounds.

There is no diet than can make a person lose all his excess weight in just one sitting.  Well, a person can stay without food for a year and see how much weight he can lose through this method.  However, that is presuming that he is still alive after a year.

Drastic weight loss has been blamed for a variety of illnesses being suffered by people who are constantly on diet.  Taking diet pills may do the trick but the drastic fat loss may cause an imbalance in the system and may lead to health complications and may even be the cause of death.

A person who suddenly goes on an unhealthy diet will have the face the consequences of his folly later on.  People who are on an unhealthy diet admit to experiencing nausea and other side effects.
A person who wants to loss weight should keep one thing in mind and that is to only consume calories that is required to do the work that his body regularly does.  Failure to take in the necessary number of calories to keep a person moving will lead to a weakening of the body and of the body systems.  Taking in more calories than what the body actually needs can mean more stubborn fats.

If he wants to lose weight properly, a person should eat a balanced diet and should keep a regular exercise program.  This is the only way to lose the fat, albeit not quickly, and to keep them off permanently.

Eating healthy is actually better than resorting to a diet that leads to drastic weight loss.  By eating healthy, a person need not spend a single dollar on liposuction treatments, diet pills and other diet products.  

A person who is bent on keeping the weight off healthily should not expect results in a few weeks.  He should be determined enough to wan tot lose the extra fats the hard way so that he will not suffer the consequences of drastic weight loss later on.

Start by determining the ideal number of pounds he wants to keep off.  The target weight should be very realistic considering his lifestyle and his built so that he would not feel lousy or disappointed when he does not meet the target weight he has been dreaming of after a few months.

It is also very important to regularly check his weight by placing a weighing scale in the bathroom.  This would make him realize whether her healthy eating habit is working or whether he is losing weight too fast or drastically.
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Losing Weight the Healthy Way

Losing weight is more than just finding the "right" diet and exercise. It is introducing revolutionary changes that are long term, the ones which contribute to your behavior and habits towards maintaining health. This is why most people who are in a weight loss program hardly succeed. They fail to approach weight reduction more comprehensively but rather people respond to it by simply eating less, avoiding certain types of food and a little exercise. 

Successfully achieving your desired weight through a reduction program may need a overhaul of your eating habits and attitude towards food, behavior about health maintenance and lifestyle. The best way to start is to first understand what your body is capable of doing and how far it can go. Crash or fad diets never work so forget about them. Your body will only respond well if you introduce the changes gradually. The idea behind this is to set a realistic goal that is healthy for your body. This is the formula to fitness and appropriate weight loss. 

How to keep those extra pounds away healthy and for a long time? Here are some practical tips for you:

•       Ask the support of your loved ones. Losing weight is much easier when your family and friends are behind you to support you all the way. This can also encourage your family to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments that are beneficial for all. 

•       Watch what you are drinking! Juices, sodas and other drinks are all guilty of carrying too much calories so drinking them frequently would give you that love handles you hate most about. Stick to water, lots of it. Diet sodas and other sugar-free drinks will do also. Non-fat or low-fat milk is the best. By doing this switch, you can save 360 calories or more everyday. 

•       Little and gradual changes are the way to go in reducing your weight. Your body wants it slow and small because it can easily adapt to these changes rather than making drastic moves that confuse your body. Start by reducing some portions to what you eat and stop unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol, sodas or smoking. If you have done that then you can make introduce healthier options to your body. 

•       Keep check of your emotions and feelings. If you feel full, then stop eating. Do not eat just out of habit or just because you feel bored, upset, stressed or even if you are overly happy. What you can do is to opt for healthier activities like taking a walk around the block, attending your aero dance class or just making a trip to your gym. 

•       Frequent meals but reduced portions are advised for dieters rather than indulging in three large meals in a day. Aside from this, try including in your diet healthier snacks such as vegetable sticks, a piece of fruit, pretzels, low-fat granola bar and other sugar-free snacks. 

•       Fruits and veggies are the way to go to keep you fit and in shape. You are required to eat five servings of these healthy options everyday to avoid the piling of your pounds. There are three things you need and make them your regular choices and habits: 1) switch your white breads to whole wheat ones, 2) quench your thirst with water rather than sodas, and 3) eat your breakfast regularly. Start your day with a whole wheat cereal, low-fat milk and a piece of fruit rather than grabbing donuts and coffee. 

•       Never go for fad diets just to shed off those extra pounds fast. Always go for the healthy diet and to do that you need to eat a variety of foods.  Also, avoid indulging in diet pills or even the herbal variety and make these your substitute for a real food. 

•       A good balance in your diet also helps but never deprive yourself of your favorite cake. Your tendency will be to crave for them and eat more of them if you get the chance. What you can do is eat your favorites but in your next choice of food, choose the much healthier ones. 

•       Be active. You do not have to enroll yourself to an extraneous activity or sport just to lose those pounds. Even as simple as walking in the park can reduce your weight and make a difference in your health. What is important is the regularity of the exercise and not the kind of exercise you do. 

•       Combine your movements and exercises with weight training. You need to know that muscles burn more fats so keep that muscles toned. If you are really serious about your exercise regimen, consider combining strength training with aerobics workout and flexibility exercises. 

•       Be forgiving to yourself. Losing weight is not an easy task. Slip ups are bound to happen. The right attitude towards this is to forgive yourself, brush your teeth, forget about it and go back right on track.

There is no magic formula to lose weight. This is achieved by a great deal of discipline and sacrifice from you. The only thing you have to do while in your weight loss program is to take it easy and be patient and you are on your way to a healthy tip top shape. 

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